Daily record of working hours. The Labour authorities open the first files in the province.

A month since the Royal Decree on Recording Daily Working Hours for full-time workers came into force, questions and enquiries continue among employers on how to implement the regulation correctly. Nevertheless, Labour Inspection has already started to take action in Alicante, as acknowledged by a few sources of entrepreneurs and consultants who think that in this initial stage the Labour Inspection authorities are acting more through recommendations.

According to Concepción Martínez, partner and the head of the Labour Relations Department at GESEM, the internal criteria published this week by Inspection itself has shed some on light on the matter. Among other things, “it makes it clear that recording the daily working hours is not only an obligation, it must also be objective and credible”. Moreover, it makes a distinction between the control mechanism itself, “where the time the worker starts and finishes the working day is shown” and the points about the hours worked during the day or the breaks taken in it. These are additional points, but still, they “must be argued and documented properly” and they are established either in the collective bargaining, in an agreement between the firm and the workers or they are implemented by the company after consulting the workers.

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