The Club INFORMACIÓN hosted the fifth most important business awards ceremony of the province, having taken all the required safety measures. The most popular topic at the event was the appeal for support and help to strengthen businesses, which are the socio-economic driving force of the country.
Five editions valuing the hard work and the sacrifice of the Alicante business sector. Five years highlighting our most advanced companies. The IN4Bankia 2020 Awards celebrates its fifth anniversary within an uncertain panorama, where the impact of covid has overwhelmed all the economic sectors. After seeing how thousands of companies have had to close down in the last few months, these prizes mean more than ever before this year.
However, the spirit of the entrepreneurs from the Alicante province is distinguished for their desire to excel and their resilience. This was demonstrated yesterday, the 5th of November, at the 5th edition of the IN4Bankia Awards ceremony held at the Club INFORMACIÓN. It is an imperative annual gathering organized by the Alicante newspaper and Bankia, and it has already become a benchmark event.

The winners
More than 80 nominations brought to life an event made up of big firms, SMEs, multinationals, companies with an extensive track record and other start-ups that have recently been created. But only six companies were given one of the awards yesterday:Cype won the Best Export Company award,Nuovvo got the Best SME award, Crmble was voted the Best Start-Up,Orizon took the Best Innovative Company award, and Eurobox was distinguished in the Best Professional Track Record category. As for Jesús Navarro Navarro, President and the CEO of Carmencita, he received the recognition of the year for his Professional Merit.
Representatives of Bankia and INFORMACIÓN, business, economic and social agents from Alicante, CEOs and representatives of the award-winning companies at the ceremony and the President of the Confederación Empresarial de la Comunitat Valenciana (Valencian Community Business Confederation), Perfecto Palacio, endorsed the event with their presence at the most unique and «special» award ceremony held up to now, insofar as the limited seating and necessary safety and hygiene measures taken.
Perfecto Palacio during his speech as the IN4Bankia 2020 Awards. ALEX DOMÍNGUEZ
The speeches of those who were called up to the stage at the IN4Bankia 2020 Awards all had one thing in common: the need to support, maintain and strengthen the business sector, which is the indispensible driving force for the socio-economic development of any country. In this sense, Perfecto Palacio asked for «the political decisions to be based on the needs of companies as well» and he insisted that what is needed right now is «legal certainty, foresight and planning, measures to stimulate the economy, the arrival of European Funds, the maintenance of the ERTES (Temporary Employment Regulation Files) and that the authorities ease the way».
Jesús Cecilia, the area manager of Bankia in the city of Alicante and Carlos Aguilera, the director of Bankia Companies in the Valencian Community and Murcia, agreed that it is absolutely essential at the moment to «stand by our companies and our entrepreneurs» and that «the balance between protecting the health of the population and supporting economic activity has to be found».